
Automatic vs. Manual Garage Doors: Which is Best?

Are you considering adding a garage addition for more space, building a storage shed, or simply needing to replace an ancient garage? Whatever your reasons, one of the biggest considerations when choosing a new garage door is to decide whether or not you want it to be automatic. For some, the choice is obvious. However, more fiscally conscious consumers may want to weigh their options. This guide will help you decide what suits your needs best!

Inside of a Garage Door Space


Price is usually at the top of everyone’s mind. So, let’s go over the main figures. Usually, a standard manual door costs up to $2,200, while adding on an automatic opener can cost as much as $1,500. However, these prices can vary depending on the material, form factor, and the weight of your garage door. If the cost to add on an automatic opener is too high at the moment, it can always be retrofitted onto a manual garage door at a later date.

Note: This way may cost you more in the long run.

Time & Convenience

The main benefit of an automatic garage door is its convenience and saving time. If this is a door you will be repeatedly entering and leaving, such as parking your daily driver, then the few minutes it takes to manually lift the door can certainly add up. Throw into the unpredictability and chaotic nature of the weather, you could end up opening that door during a blizzard or derecho.

On the flip side, if this garage door will only be used to store lawn equipment, assorted boxes, or other outdoor gear you only touch once a month, then an automatic garage door may be an unnecessary expense. As a general rule of thumb, if you are not opening the door every day, then a manual door will be more than enough for your needs. Beyond this, automatic doors tend to need more clearance to operate than manual doors, so if you are in a pinch for space, a manual door may be more beneficial.

Maintenance Needs

Exploring the maintenance needs between automatic and manual garage doors is more complicated than it may appear. While manual garage doors do have less technology and fewer cogs in the machine that can break, they do require more regular maintenance cycles than automatic garage doors. With dirt and grease build-up, you will quickly feel your manual door jam and require more and more effort to open it. Further, when opening your garage door manual, the weight, pressure, and movements placed upon its components are irregular. This can cause stress on different components over time, making the door wear and tear.

Automatic garage doors benefit from consistent lifting motions, which causes less wear and tear. Plus, recent technology has made these doors more reliable. While your door may screech and squeak, it can open and close despite the trouble usually. Surprisingly, automatic garage doors are a lot less fickle than manual garage doors, but with that said, once they break, automatic doors can cost much more to repair.

Safety & Security

In terms of safety and security options, automatic doors are the clear winners. The only thing a manual door has going for it in terms of security is that the material is usually heavy. Otherwise, it lacks in every other department. Instead, automatic doors:

  • Have sensors to prevent dropping when objects are underneath the door
  • Feature built-in security features to prevent thieves from forcing the door open
  • Can be remotely controlled and monitored

We Are Ready to Help

Automatic garage doors became popular for a good reason. Their technology is convenient, saves time, offers better longevity, and creates a safer garage. However, for doors that are more infrequently used, manual garage doors serve their purpose well and can help cut down on costs. If you are in need of a garage door replacement, we are your trusted Toledo garage door service company, ready to assist with any questions you may have.