
How to Choose the Best Garage Door Opener for Your Home

Struggling to choose the best type of garage door opener for your home? Looking for new garage door openers? We will set you on the right path by breaking down the different features and latest tech to navigate when purchasing a modern garage door opener.

Garage Door Opener

Types of Garage Door Openers

Garage door openers are typically categorized by their drives, with belt and chain drives dominating the current market, and screw drives filling a specific – more complicated – niche. There are different kinds of garage door openers to consider. Garage opener drives are the main mechanism where openers – well – open garage doors. They feed into the trolley which operates the arm that lifts and shuts the garage door. Also, they are the main component that is moving when a garage door is operated, playing a large role in the noise, performance, and dependability of a garage door opener.

Belt Drive

Belt drives have surged in popularity in recent decades. They require little maintenance, are widely available, and operate light to medium-weight garage doors with ease. The major highlight of using a belt drive opener is their silence. Due to their rubber/fiberglass construction, they are the quietest drive on this list. However, belt drives eventually fail (after a long time) and can be expensive to replace.

Chain Drive

Chain drives are the oldest and most popular drive mechanism on this list. Similar in appearance to a bicycle chain, these drives will require more regular maintenance than a belt drive. Though, if chain drives are regularly cleaned and lubricated once or twice a year, they can last even longer than a belt drive. On top of this, chain drives are much more affordable to replace than belt drives.

You may be asking, why on earth would you ever get a belt drive over a chain drive? Well, these guys are LOUD. Even properly lubricated chain drives will wake your neighbors in the morning. If noise is a concern for you, then belt drives are the better choice.

Screw Drive

So, let’s say you have a heavy garage door but need a nice smooth, silent operation. Well, that’s where screw drive openers come in. A threaded rod that directly lifts the trolley, screw drives make up a small portion of the market. These drives can open heavy wooden doors while operating quieter than a chain drive. A belt drive will still beat out a screw drive opener in terms of silence, but if your door is massive, this is really your best option.

Best of all, screw drives tend to be relatively affordable to purchase and install when compared to high-end chain drives. They also require the same amount of maintenance and cleaning as chain drives. So, if you’re looking to update or replace an old chain drive, these are definitely worth a look!

View All Door Opener Options 


Horsepower can be a pitfall when purchasing a garage door opener. With cars, we want to maximize our horsepower, but that’s not necessarily true for a garage door opener. Instead, when looking at horsepower, you should generally try to match it with what is required for your door size and spend your money elsewhere on other features. Below are common horsepower models, and what they should generally be paired with.

  • 1/3 HP – Great for single, lightweight doors, but can break down more frequently
  • 1/2 HP – Handles most single and double doors with ease
  • 1/3 HP – Generally recommended for use with heavy steel or wooden doors

Of course, more longevity can be expected out of higher horsepower garage door openers, so if budget is not a concern, then go ahead and get a higher horsepower.    

Safety Features

Today, many garage door openers come standard with several safety features which are included on all new garage doors:

  • Photo Eyes – A sensor that detects anything blocking its path, preventing closing
  • Auto-Reverse – Working in tandem with photo eyes, this will trigger your garage door to reverse back open when something blocks the photo eyes

Newer Functionalities:

  • Auto-Close – After a period of time being open, your garage door opener will shut your door.
  • Automated Deadbolts – Some garage door openers will automatically trigger the door’s deadbolt.

Smart Technology

The main benefits of smart openers come from their remote operation via cell phone and tracking of opening/closing. If you are a forgetful person, have people coming and going from your home, or store a vehicle that you anxiously watch the security of, these functionalities can come in handy. If you’re looking for that extra layer of certainty, these are great additions.

As a bonus, many of these openers are compatible with virtual assistant software such as Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant. So, if you’re looking for some added security and some futuristic feel, these smart garage openers may be worth looking into.

The Precision Team is Here to Help

Hopefully, this will help you in your search to find the perfect garage door opener for your home. If not, you can always call the experts at Precision.